Linda Waide, MSN, MEd, RN, is the coauthor of The Chicago Review Press Pharmacology Made Easy for NCLEX-PN Review and Study Guide and The Chicago Review Press Pharmacology Made Easy for NCLEX-RN Review and Study Guide. She is also the co-owner of Contemporary Health Systems, Incorporated, which has offered nursing review courses for both the RN and PN licensure examinations for more than 15 years nationwide.
Fully revised to conform to the 2003 NCLEX Test Plan, this study guide and test includes “hot spot,” fill-in-the-blank, and check-the-box questions to reflect the new test format with 10 written practice tests covering all the body systems, plus two additional practice tests on mental health and miscellaneous topics. Altogether, more than 500 practice test items are provided. Each practice test includes a system overview and complete rationales and explanations for both correct and incorrect answers. Also offered are explanations of how the computerized licensure exam is administered and advice on preparing for the exam and mastering the test format. In addition to the written tests, a 100-item interactive-software CD in the NCLEX format is also included to allow students to become comfortable with the on-screen exam.
Pharmacology is the most difficult aspect of the NCLEX licensure examination for both practical and registered nurses. With new drugs introduced every day and drug interactions a more serious concern than ever before, nursing students need quick, convenient access to up-to-date drug information in order to pass their licensure exams. In a market dominated by lengthy tomes priced nearly double, the Pharmacology Made Easy study guides are the most efficient and economical review choices available. In each book, 295 carefully prepared written test questions cover drug actions, adverse reactions and side effects, contraindications and precautions, interactions, nursing considerations, and therapeutic benefits for more than 600 medications. Complete rationales for correct and incorrect answers are provided. Each book includes a 100-item interactive practice test on disk.
Fully revised to conform to the 2004 NCLEX Test Plan, this study guide and test includes “hot spot,” fill-in-the-blank, and select-all-that-apply questions to reflect the new test format. Ten written practice tests cover all the body systems and two additional practice tests cover mental health and miscellaneous topics. Each practice test includes a system overview and complete explanations for both correct and incorrect answers. In addition to the written tests, a 100-item interactive software CD in the NCLEX format is included to allow students to become comfortable with the on-screen exam.