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McLaughlin, AugustMcLaughlin, August | Alt 1

August McLaughlin

August McLaughlin is a nationally recognized health and sexuality writer, media personality, and creator of the empowering brand Girl Boner®. Her feature articles have been featured in Cosmopolitan, Salon, DAME magazine, The Huffington Post,, and more. On her weekly podcast "Girl Boner® Radio," she interviews sex and relationship experts, celebrity entertainers, everyday women, and more, exploring women's lives and sexuality "like no one else."Known for melding personal passion with activism, August uses her skills as a public speaker and journalist to encourage other women to embrace their bodies and sexuality, making way for fuller, more authentic lives. Visit her website:
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Girl Boner
Girl Boner (2 Formats) ›
By August McLaughlin
Cloth Price 24.99

Cloth, EPUB

Published Aug 2018

In a culture where female empowerment is used to sell everything from sex toys to soap, most sex education continues to bypass pleasure. The results are stark; we’ve grown accustomed to slut- and prude-shaming and allowed others to dictate how a “good girl” is meant to feel, act, and look.

In Girl Boner: The Good Girl’s Guide to Sexual Empowerment, August McLaughlin offers an inclusive, unfiltered blend of personal narrative and practical tips on relationships, solo play, journaling, gender issues, and more. From the perks of “Jilling off” to the 7 types of ‘gasms, Girl Boner will “empower you to own your sexual self and enjoy … your whole life a great deal more.”

Girl Boner Journal
Girl Boner Journal (4 Formats) ›
By August McLaughlin
Trade Paper Price 9.99

Trade Paper, PDF, EPUB, Mobipocket

Published May 2019

Embrace Your Inner Girl Boner®

Discover more about yourself and your sensuality as you explore everything from lessons learned in sex ed and your hottest fantasies to gender identities, ways to embrace your feelings, and a “Yes, No, Maybe” list you don’t want to miss!

Whether you pair it with Girl Boner’s practical tips, in-depth reporting, and inspired storytelling or use it on its own, Girl Boner Journal will help you take your sexual empowerment journey deeper. It’s full of stories and writing prompts to help you better understand and embrace your physical, emotional, and sexual self. Pleasure is key to our health and happiness—it should be thoughtful, not an afterthought.

With Pleasure
With Pleasure (4 Formats) ›
By August McLaughlin, By Jamila Dawson
Trade Paper Price 19.99

Trade Paper, PDF, EPUB, Mobipocket

Published Sep 2021

With Pleasure: Managing Trauma Triggers for More Vibrant Sex and Relationships is a companion for anyone experiencing the effects of trauma. Through true survivor stories, expert insight, writing prompts, and grounding exercises, it explores pleasure, relationships, and community as worthy and essential antidotes in trying times.
Written by trauma-informed sex therapist Jamila Dawson, LMFT, and sexuality journalist and podcaster August McLaughlin, With Pleasure provides a much-needed alternative to harmful “self-help” ideologies that instruct people to “change their thoughts” or “choose to be happy,” and instead encourages readers to respect their feelings, understand the complexities of a society and systems that fuel trauma, foster self-compassion, and embrace pleasure.