Ann Kajander is the author of Big Ideas for Growing Methematicians. She is the founder of the Kindermath Enrichment Project and a mathematics professor at Lakehead University.
Introducing sophisticated mathematical ideas like fractals and infinity, these hands-on activity books present concepts to children using interactive and comprehensible methods. With intriguing projects that cover a wide range of math content and skills, these are ideal resources for elementary school mathematics enrichment programs, regular classroom instruction, and home-school programs. Reproducible activity sheets lead students through a process of engaged inquiry with plenty of helpful tips along the way. A list of useful terms specific to each activity encourages teachers and parents to introduce students to the vocabulary of math. This second Big Ideas book covers more advanced concepts, with projects including “One in a Million,” where children use grains of rice to model the probability of astronomical odds; “Triangular Tessellations,” in which students investigate the geometry and variations created by repeating patterns; and “Fractions of Salaries,” where kids use a real-world scenario to multiply and divide fractions.
This hands-on math activity book introduces “big” and sophisticated mathematical ideas, such as fractals and infinity, to children in an interactive and comprehensible way, piquing their interest in math before negative attitudes or fears can set in. Ideal for use as an elementary mathematics enrichment program, as curriculum in the regular classroom, or as a home enrichment or homeschool program, it contains 22 intriguing activities covering a wide range of math content and skills. Teachers and parents are given an overview of the activity and its background content in a low-key, friendly way. A list of helpful terms specific to each activity encourages teachers to introduce the vocabulary of math to students, and step-by-step procedures for each activity are laid out. Reproducible activity sheets for students lead them through a process of engaged inquiry with plenty of tips along the way. Projects include "Suncatcher Fractions," "Kaleidoscopes," and "The Ant’s Path."