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September 14, 2017

Tom Gardiner, author of The Post-Nup Solution, explains how a simple legal document can save a complex relationship


Post-Nup Solution, TheMost people are familiar with the concept of a prenuptial agreement—the legal contract that a couple enters into before their marriage to protect their wealth in case of divorce. But far fewer couples are aware of post-nuptial agreements. Unlike prenups, post-nups are legal contracts entered into after the marriage is already underway. The Post-Nup Solution: How to Save a Marriage in Crisis—or End It Fairly by Tom Gardiner, JD lays out the benefits of the post-nuptial agreement—a legal contract for marriages that can have an enormously positive effect on a marriage, or on a divorce if a marriage can’t be saved.

Below, he lays out just a few of the great benefits of post-nups.

 The Benefits of Post-Nups

How a simple legal document can save a complex relationship


Benefit #1: Sends a wake-up call

For spouses who are in denial about their own bad behavior, post-nups offer a much-needed wake-up call to those underlying issues and how they are harming the marriage.


Benefit #2: Catalyzes difficult but essential discussions

The post-nup offers a chance to discuss issues in a marriage that couples fail to otherwise talk about.


Benefit #3: Imposes accountability on both spouses

If each spouse knows exactly waht he or she would lose  by failing to live up to a post-nup’s provisions, wouldn’t each spouse be more likely to do what the marriage needed to survive?


Benefit #4: Decreases game-playing

Instead of taking advantage of known spousal vulnerabilities through manipulation and combative behavior, the post-nup encourages honest, open discussion.


Benefit #5: Moves couples beyond a single moment in time

Is your marriage in trouble because one or both of you are fixated on a single instance of bad behavior? If so, a post-nup would help both of you broaden and deepen your discussion, focusing on the larger issues that are more important to sustaining the marriage.


Benefit #6: Offers incentives for behavioral change

The legal provisions in a post-nup help spouses become more aware of problematic actions and work harder at changing them.


Benefit #7: Sets equitable terms for a settlement if a divorce can’t be avoided

Make better decisions about custody, finances and the like when you still have a chance of saving the marriage (versus when you’re in the midst of a divorce). You are both more likely to consider the fairness of settlement terms when you’re not seeking vengeance or under the tremendous financial and emotional stress of the divorce process.

Post-Nup Solution, The

The Post-Nup Solution: How to Save a Marriage in Crisis—or End It Fairly was published on September 1, and is available wherever books and e-books are sold.

[Order it now $18]  [Request a review copy]




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