The Blonde on Blonde Fab Five
By Daryl Sanders, author of That Thin, Wild Mercury Sound: Dylan, Nashville, and the Making of Blonde on Blonde
When Chicago Review Press asked if I would a contribute a piece to the CRP blog about my five favorite tracks from the 1966 Bob Dylan album Blonde on Blond
…Elizabeth Raum, author of The Big, Bold, Adventurou
…Earlier this year, we shared some our staff’s favorite bookstores. This week, we asked authors of our April titles to share what bookstores hold a place in their hearts and memories,
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Inspired by the myriad year-end roundups that are popping up all over our social media feeds, we asked authors of books we’ve published this year to share a favorite memory of giving or receiving a book for the holidays.
Tom Acitelli (American Wine): My story is less about giving a book or getti